Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sun High - De Wolfe Records (DWS/LP3366) 1977

The third LP in my DAWN OF THE DEAD Library Music Revealed series is called SUN HIGH by Simon Park from the DeWolfe Music Library. 

It contains "Figments", "Sun High", "Slow Repose 2", "Vocal Point" and "Motives 1" which were used as background music in DAWN.

"Figments" can be heard when the gang lands at the airport and starts to look around and all through the airport scenes.
Listen to it on YouTube

"Sun High" is heard when Stephen proposes, everyone grows restless, and Peter Plays tennis.

"Slow Repose 2" plays at the end of the scene where the tennis ball falls off the roof and you see the zombies in a wider and wider shot still surrounding the mall.
Listen to it on YouTube

"Vocal Point" is featured in the Extended Cut of the film only and can be heard at Peter and Roger find the control room.

"Motives 1" is featured in the Extended Cut of the film only. It plays while Peter and Roger tentatively exit the back hallway and enter the hallway to go to the main part of the mall.

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