Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Today’s post features another one of my shot re-creations and comparisons featuring an area of the Monroeville Mall, seen in DAWN OF THE DEAD, which is not generally accessible to the public. This is the set of stairs that leads to the apartment or hideout where the main characters lived inside the Monroeville Mall. Their hideout was a set built in downtown Pittsburgh near George Romero‘s old office building, it was not actually in the mall at the top of this set of stairs. This set of stairs that you see in the movie is actually in the mall and it still exists there to this day. I’m super excited to show you this comparison because I haven’t really featured any shots that took place in this stairway as yet. I actually got a chance to go in there and re-create just about every single shot that you see in the movie, but I’m gonna start off right here with this one, i’ll have plenty more for future posts.

In the movie scene, pictured here, you see Stephen freshly returned from the dead, going back up to where he used to live with all the other main characters. It’s some thing he remembered. Unfortunately, he ends up leading a horde of zombies up there with him and you know how that turned out. 

Like I mentioned earlier, this spot in the mall is not generally accessible to the public, so please do not try to seek it out and go there on your own. I had special permission to be there and to show you these things because I host the Monroeville Mall film location tours each year during the Living Dead Weekend events that are held there each year. The next one takes place on June 10 through the 12th, 2022. The only way for you to see this stairway officially is during one of my tours where I take each and every person on the tour through the stairway, and I explain all the things that you would need to know concerning this set of stairs. While much of it looks the same, there are some differences, which I do have to explain to people when they visit there. I do hope to see many of you at the Living Dead Weekend next year.

Each day this month I will be showing you something cool, rare, or even noteworthy concerning DAWN OF THE DEAD as a Christmas Present to the fans from me. I hope that you enjoy this holiday look at DAWN OF THE DEAD. 

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